Discussion Guide:Failure, Success, and Being Human
Featuring Rob bell
Section one
How would you define failure and success?
Do you have moments from your life you would place in one category or the other?
Do you have experiences where the lines between success and failure have been blurred, or that have led to growth?
Section Two
Have you ever found yourself distracted by the ‘perfect’ idea of something?
Have you ever experienced the idea of tov in your life?
Section three
Have you ever had an experience where you didn’t do something that felt important because you weren’t sure how it would be received?
Have you ever done something important despite that fear?
Is there something that you need to do?
Section four
Where have you heard fear say ‘no’ to you?
How could you say ‘I know’ to fear and respond with action?
What might it look like to try one of the things, however small, that fear has held you back from?
Section Five
Do you take time to celebrate the small moments of growth in your life?
Have you ever looked back and realized how you have changed and grown over time?
What might it look like for you to intentionally practice celebrating those tiny movements forward?
Section Six
Has your perspective of faith changed over time? How?
Have you discovered things in your own tradition of faith that have helped you grow? Other traditions?
Were you surprised by any of these things?
Section seven
Have you ever changed your perspective after recognizing a blind spot?
Do you resonate with Rob’s suggestion that for many of us there is likely a blind spot when it comes to power?
What do you think of the idea Rob shares, that any system that creates an in and out group is one that Jesus would critique?
Section EIGHT
Do you feel like things are changing around you?
How does that make you feel about the world you live in?
If you see things that might need to change, how can you participate in that work?
Section nine
Have you ever felt stuck, or experienced despair this way?
Have you ever had an experience where you suddenly realized something could change?
What could it look like to approach our days with a sense of wonder?
How do you understand what it means to be human?
What questions or struggles do you have when it comes to this conversation?
Where might the way of Jesus be leading you?
Moving Forward, Think About This
Take a few minutes and think about the way things have changed for you over the last few years. What has changed for you that has been challenging? What have you learned? In what ways have you grown?
Over the next week, reflect on these questions also looking toward the future. What do I want to learn? What changes might be challenging? Where do I want to grow?
About Rob Bell:
Rob Bell is the author of ten books, including the New York Times Bestsellers What We Talk About When We Talk About God, The Zimzum of Love, Love Wins and What Is the Bible?. His podcast, called the RobCast, was named by iTunes Best of 2015. He’s been profiled in the New Yorker, toured with Oprah, and in 2011 Time Magazine named him one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. He has a regular show at Largo, the legendary comedy and music club in Los Angeles, where he lives with wife Kristen and their three kids.
Follow Rob at @realrobbell and on Facebook